Traversi Museum's Home page
Antonio Maria Traversi
Physisc Museum

To write to the Museum
AddressMuseo di Fisica A. M. Traversi
c/o Liceo Marco Foscarini
Cannaregio 4942
Tel.+39 347-8638987
Fax+39 041-5201657
Delete "del@" for the right mail address
Scientific CuratorPierandrea Malfi (
Please delete #toglimi# for the right address

Last updated
The green words are "work in progress" links.
The red / red words are links to italian pages, while the normal ones follow the standard colours.
The elements in red have hidden texts actived by the mouse's arrow.
The brown links are used to view an immage in the gallery connected with the text.
Valido HTML 4.01!

Punto Informatico, l'evoluzione della rete
The total or partial reproduction of this page and/or of its parts with any means is permitted only if it is not for commercial gain and all authors and Marco Foscarini School must be fully acknowledged. In the case of works on the web a link to the page or pages of the Virtual Museum or of the A. M. Traversi Physics Museum used as source must be always added. The reproduction of any picture from this page in scientific journals and/or in research papers as the publication of this page and of any data of the database need the written authorization of the Traversi Museum Direction. This authorization might be given by the Museum Direction after the presentation of a request in which the project is described. All the technical information regarding the instruments described in the virtual museum are continuously up to date. So differences between page on the web and the last data acquired can be possible. The interested are kindly request to contact the Direction of the Museum.
URL of the Virtual Museum:
URL of "A. M. Traversi Physics Museum":; e-mail: [Please delete "del@"].

Virtual Museum webmastering and text by: Pierandrea Malfi ( [Please delate #toglimi# to have the real address]
Translation by: Pierandrea Malfi (
Marco Foscarini School web site webmastering by: Paolo Bonavoglia ( of
Liceo Classico "Marco Foscarini" - Venezia