Virtual Museum - Traversi Museum - DATABASE
List by maker
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Show among the 59 makers found in the collection the intruments by
on colonne - Items: 6

Name: Dutrochet's endosmometer
Dating: 1830
Field: Liquids - Window E
Maker: Angelo Maria Bellani (1786-1852)
Nº 202 - Inv. 2016
Nº 42 - Inv. 1870 Thecnical Card
Complete - Intact - Working X
Name: Alcoholometers with test-tube
Dating: 1835 - 1836
Field: Liquids - Window E
Maker: Angelo Maria Bellani (1786-1852)
Nº 206 - Inv. 2016
Nº 46 - Inv. 1870 Thecnical Card
Incomplete - Intact - Working
Name: Bellani's differential thermometer for liquids
(Termometro differenziale di Bellani)
Dating: 1825
Field: Thermodynamics - Window G
Maker: Angelo Maria Bellani (1786-1852)
Nº 311 - Inv. 2016
Nº 87 - Inv. 1870 Thecnical Card
Complete - Intact - Working
Name: Bellani's hygrometer
(Igrometro di Bellani)
Dating: 1835
Field: Thermodynamics - Window G
Maker: Angelo Maria Bellani (1786-1852)
Nº 315 - Inv. 2016
Nº 91 - Inv. 1870 Thecnical Card
Complete - Intact - Working
Name: Rumford thermoscope
(Termoscopio di Rumford)
Dating: 1825
Field: Thermodynamics - Not exposed
Maker: Angelo Maria Bellani (1786-1852)
Nº 321 - Inv. 2016
Nº 104 - Inv. 1870 Thecnical Card
Incomplete - Damaged - Not working
Name: Barometer type siphon
(Barometro a sifone)
Dating: 1827
Field: Thermodynamics - In room
Maker: Angelo Maria Bellani (1786-1852)
Nº 302 - Inv. 2016
Nº 76 - Inv. 1870 Thecnical Card
Incomplete - Damaged - Not working