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The Antonio Maria Traversi
Physics Museum
How to reach the Museum

- From Piazzale Roma on foot: Cross the Grand Canal ("Costituzione" Bridge) and follow the Grand Canal. After the train station on your left, do not cross again the Grand Canal with the white bridge on your right, but take the calle Rio Terrà in front of you and then the "Lista di Spagna". Cross Campo S.Geremia, cross Ponte delle Guglie and continue along Rio Terrà San Leonardo, Campiello dell'Anconetta, cross bridge, Rio Terrà della Maddalena, cross bridge, Strada Nuova, cross two bridges. On your left, behind the newsagent's, is "Corte dei Pali Già Testori" with a well, fountain and the "Fiddler's Elbow". From here the route marked in red on the map begins. Go the whole length of Calle Pruili and also of Calle della Racchetta. Two bridges later, you will have reached Fondamenta S.Caterina and Liceo Marco Foscarini.

- From Piazzale Roma by vaporetto: Board Line 1 at Piazzale Roma. Get off at stop nº 5 - Ca' D'Oro. This is the starting-point of the route indicated in blue which joins up with the red route (Calle Priuli, Calle della Racchetta. After two bridges you will have reached Fondamenta S.Caterina and Liceo Marco Foscarini.

- From the train station on foot: When you leave the station, turn left into Lista di Spagna (do not cross the Grand Canal with the white bridge). Cross Ponte delle Guglie and continue along Rio Terrà San Leonardo, Campiello dell'Anconetta, cross bridge, Rio Terrà della Maddalena, cross bridge, Strada Nuova, cross two bridges. On your left, behind the newsagent's, is "Corte dei Pali Già Testori " with a well, fountain and the "Fiddler's Elbow". From here the route marked in red on the map begins. Go the whole length of Calle Pruili and also of Calle della Raccchetta. Two bridges later, you will have reached Fondamenta S.Caterina and Liceo Marco Foscarini.

- From train station by vaporetto: Board Line 1, direction S.Marco-Lido at Piazzale Roma. Get off at stop nº 5 - Ca' D'Oro. This is the starting-point of the route indicated in blue which joins up with the red route (Calle Priuli, Calle della Racchetta. After two bridges you will have reached Fondamenta S.Caterina and Liceo Marco Foscarini.

- From Rialto on foot: From Campo S. Bartolomeo, take Salizada del Fontego dei Tedeschi (Ask for Campo SS.Apostoli). Go straight on until you reach Campo SS.Apostoli. Turn left into the wide street (Strada Nuova). On the right, after the newsagents, you will find "Corte dei Pali Già Testori" with a well, fountain and the "Fiddler's Elbow". From here the route marked in red on the map begins. Go the whole length of Calle Pruili and also of Calle della Raccchetta. Two bridges later, you will have reached Fondamenta S.Caterina and Liceo Marco Foscarini.

- From Rialto by vaporetto: Board Line 1 at Rialto, direction Station - Piazzale Roma. Get off at stop nº 5 - Ca' D'Oro. This is the starting-point of the route indicated in blue which joins up with the red route (Calle Priuli, Calle della Racchetta. After two bridges you will have reached Fondamenta S.Caterina and Liceo Marco Foscarini).

- From S.Marco on foot: Reach Campo S. Bartolomeo (at the foot of Rialto Bridge). Then follow directions From Rialto on foot.

- From S. Marco by vaporetto: Board Line 1 at S. Zaccaria or S. Marco Calle Valleresso, direction Station - Piazzale Roma. Get off at stop nº 5 - Ca' D'Oro. This is the starting-point of the route indicated in blue which joins up with the red route (Calle Priuli, Calle della Racchetta. After two bridges you will have reached Fondamenta S.Caterina and Liceo Marco Foscarini).