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Barometer type siphon
DatingApril 1881
The siphon barometer derives from the torricellian one (tub type) by bending into asymmetrical U the barometer's pipe. The longest branch is closed, while the shorter one is open. Such a configuration of the pipe was an idea of Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), published after his death in 1663, and then taken again by Robert Boyle (1627-1691) in 1669. In 1816 Joseph Gay-Lussac (1778-1850) introduced an important modification to the siphon barometer which improved the capability of the instrument to be easly transported. This produced the siphon barometer associated to his name. On the tool appears at the top the inscription "Baromètre". The scale relative to the atmospheric pressure goes from 0 to 80 cm, with precision of 5, however between 70 and 80 the division has a step of 1/10 (precision of 1 mmHg). The temperature scale goes from -15 to +55 °C, with precision of 1 °C. In the past the mercury inside the pipe was removed.
Web page Barometer type siphon
Inv. 2016337Barometer type siphon          Provisional numbering!
Inv. 1925a282Barometro a sifone
Inv. 1870483Barometro a sifone
WindowIn sala
Working NC
Large11.0 cm (4.3 in)
Width3.0 cm (1.2 in)
Height96.0 cm (37.8 in)
Materials brass, wood, glass, lacquer, alchool
Battelli A. - Cardani C., Trattato di fisica sperimentale ad uso delle università, Francesco Vallardi, Milano, 1922, Vol. 1, pag. 504, fig. 372
Bernardi G., Apparecchi di fisica, III Edizione, Ditta Prof. Gaetano Bernardi, Tranto, 1931, pag. 17, fig. 5118
Bouchardat A., Physique élémentaire avec ses principales applications, Germer Baillière, Paris, 1851, pag. 49, fig. 19
Clerc A., Fisica popolare, Edoardo Sonzogno, Milano, 1885, pag. 220, fig. 162
Daguin P. A., Cours de physique élémentaire avec les applications a la météorologie , E. Privat, Toulouse, 1863, pag. 112, fig. 127
Despretz C., Traité élémentaire de physique, Méquignon-Marvis, Libraire-éditeur, Paris, 1832, pag. 290, Tav. 6, fig. 162
Drion Ch. - Fernet E., Traité de physique élémentaire, G. Masson éditeur, Paris, 1877, pag. 98, fig. 109
Felice M., Elementi di fisica, Ditta G. B. Paravia e Comp., Torino, 1887/90, Vol. 1, pag. 360, fig. 137
Jamin J., Piccolo trattato di fisica, B. Pellerano, Napoli, 1880, pag. 85, fig. 85
Milani G., Corso elementare di fisica e meteorologia, Editori della biblioteca utile, Milano, 1869, Vol. 3, pag. 28, fig. 15
Privat Deschanel A., Trattato elementare di fisica, Fratelli Dumolard, Milano, 1890, pag. 110, fig. 104
Resti E., Catalogo generale di apparecchi per l'insegnamento della fisica, Ditta Emilio Resti di Franco Brambilla, Pubblicazi, Milano, 1930, pag. 28, fig. 126
The additional indications which integrate the items of the conservation's state have the following meaning: (?) = maybe complete; M = maintenance; P = partial; R = restored; D = used for teaching; NC = not checked; X = impossible to verify.