Home page - Traversi Museum
The Antonio Maria Traversi
Physics Museum
Virtual Section
a XIX century Physics Lab in Venice

In 1994 Foscarini organized an exhibition of the 19th century instruments still to be found in its Physics Lab. This temporary exhibition marked the beginning of a long and hard project: the recovery of the ancient physics instruments of the Liceo Foscarini. 8 years later was opend a permanent exhibition. In fact, concluded in January 2003 work on the restoration of the rooms which were to house the permanent Foscarini Physics Museum, the "Antonio Maria Traversi Physics Museum", dedicated to Abbot Antonio Maria Traversi, this institute's first headmaster, opened its doors to the public on Saturday 20th December 2003!
But before its material birth, this museum was virtually realized on the net in 1999-2000 with the rich collection of pages regarding its ancient tools. Foscarini has opened the Ancient Physics Lab to guided tours and former Foscarini student Pierandrea Malfi (now Curator of the Museum) created pages about the most interesting instruments.
The Virtual Museum, which became part of the Traversi Museum in July 2003, is in continuous evolution, because new cards are costantly being added, so please visit us again...

© On the copyright - The instruments' DATABASE is on the web since 2006.

Museum Sections

Science Museums in Italy
Museo della Scienza e della Tecnica Il Museo della scienza e della tecnica di Milano: the biggest Science Museum in Italy is on the web with information about itself and a Virtual Museum.
Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza a Firenze, the other important Science Museum is rich in information and virtual exhibitions.

from 23 July 2002