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Crookes tube with pinwheel
It is a particular vacuum tube, said Crookes tube (from the name of the inventor in 1874) with inside a pinwheel, which starts to rotate when the tube is made to work by means of a Ruhmkorff induction coil. A similar device allowed to demonstrate that the rays produced inside the tube (i.e. electron beams) have evidently a mass (in other words they have a corpuscular nature) because the mechanical action (impacts) produced by them on the blades of the pinwheel.
Web page Crookes tube with pinwheel
Inv. 2016481Crookes tube with pinwheel          Provisional numbering!
Inv. 1925a386Tubo di Geissler con mulinello interno
Inv. 1870657Tubo di Geissler con mulinello interno
Working NC
Large23.0 cm (9.1 in)
Width7.0 cm (2.8 in)
Height13.0 cm (5.1 in)
Bernardi G., Apparecchi di fisica, III Edizione, Ditta Prof. Gaetano Bernardi, Tranto, 1931, pag. 66, fig. 7445
Magrini R., Apparecchi per l'insegnamento della fisica, Officine Galileo, Firenze, 1940, pag. 324, fig. N1239
Premoli P., Nuovo dizionario illustrato di elettricit&agreve; e magnetismo, Soc. Editrice Sonzogno, Milano, 1904, Vol. 2, pag. 173, fig. 1369
Tarquini A., Apparecchi di fisica, Antonio Tarquini, Roma, 1928, pag. 152, fig. 30976
The additional indications which integrate the items of the conservation's state have the following meaning: (?) = maybe complete; M = maintenance; P = partial; R = restored; D = used for teaching; NC = not checked; X = impossible to verify.