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Tyndall's device
Dating24 May 1918
Device for demonstrating the transformation of the mechanical energy into heat. A small tube of copper or brass (lost), filled with water and closed with a cork stopper, is put in rapid rotation by means of a tool. The side walls of the tube are clamped by the gripper (the only element survived). The friction that is generated heats the water till boil, blasting the stopper.
Web page Tyndall's device
Inv. 2016362Tyndall's device          Provisional numbering!
Inv. 1870867Tubo con morsetto per esperienze sul calore
WindowNon esposto
Working NC
Large19.0 cm (7.5 in)
Width7.0 cm (2.8 in)
Height3.0 cm (1.2 in)
Bernardi G., Apparecchi di fisica, III Edizione, Ditta Prof. Gaetano Bernardi, Tranto, 1931, pag. 13, fig. 5239
Galileo Officine, Apparecchi per l'insegnamento della fisica, Officine Galileo, Firenze, 1929, pag. 151, fig. 5363
Magrini R., Apparecchi per l'insegnamento della fisica, Officine Galileo, Firenze, 1940, pag. 33, fig. B304
Privat Deschanel A., Trattato elementare di fisica, Fratelli Dumolard, Milano, 1890, pag. 387, fig. 340
Resti E., Catalogo generale di apparecchi per l'insegnamento della fisica, Ditta Emilio Resti di Franco Brambilla, Pubblicazi, Milano, 1930, pag. 48, fig. 245
The additional indications which integrate the items of the conservation's state have the following meaning: (?) = maybe complete; M = maintenance; P = partial; R = restored; D = used for teaching; NC = not checked; X = impossible to verify.