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Movement composition device
Dating11 March 1940
MakerAntonio Cherubini
It is a device for testing the vector composition of the speeds (equal in magnitude and perpendicular to each other) produced as a result of the simultaneous impact on a ball (missing) of the two hammers raised to the same height and left free at the same instant. If each collision imparts to the ball a speed parallel to the direction of the falling hammer which has generated it, when the two hammers arrive at the same time on the ball thus it moves with a speed that has a direction inclined of 45&dorm; degrees and has an intensity equal to the vector composition of the two single perpendicular speeds.
Web page Movement composition device
Inv. 2016159Movement composition device          Provisional numbering!
Inv. 1870967Apparecchio per il parallelogramma dei movimenti
Large13.0 cm (5.1 in)
Width13.0 cm (5.1 in)
Height25.0 cm (9.8 in)
Bernardi G., Apparecchi di fisica, III Edizione, Ditta Prof. Gaetano Bernardi, Tranto, 1931, pag. 10, fig. 7269
The additional indications which integrate the items of the conservation's state have the following meaning: (?) = maybe complete; M = maintenance; P = partial; R = restored; D = used for teaching; NC = not checked; X = impossible to verify.