TA KIMIKA - Home Gallery
Chemical gallery
Pagina in italianoHow to contribute

If you have the possibility and the desire to give me an helping hand in sending me by e-mail the picture of same substance not present in the gallery, your contribute is welcome and the simple "rules" are as follows.

  1. Your contribute is given totally free and with no commercial gain. In sending me digital pictures to be published on the "Chemical Gallery" you give at the same time to Marco Foscarini High School the full right to use them in original and in any other form. It is up to you to write in the e-mail your complete name, the place in which the picture was taken (Chemistry Laboratory of a School, of an University, of a Company, etc.) and the city. If you decide to do that, they will appear on the web under the picture only if you expressly write that you quite agree to see this data published. Otherwise the phrase "external contribute" will appear at the bottom of the picture.
  2. This gallery has a didactic purpose. That's the reason why I didn't consider the very wide family of the organic compounds. This particular part of the chemistry is generally done in the High Schools only in a simplified form and it is know that to name and to give the molecular representation of a complex organic compound is a quite difficult operation. This are the exceptions:
    1. very simple organic acids;
    2. acetates;
    3. oxalates;
    4. well-known substances with an everyday use (i.e. glucose, starch, naphthalene, etc.).
  3. Before take and send a picture, be sure that the substance in not present in the gallery. To check this select the voice "All substances" in the selection box of the page "Query by type". Without pictures the page will be faster downloaded.
  4. Put the substance in a small disposable polystyrene weighing dish or in a small glass dish and present it in the same way used in the gallery. So try, if possible, to hide the dish and give to the substance in the dish the form of a little mountain.
  5. Use as background:
    - a white non-reflecting surface for coloured substances (for example the white coat is perfect) ;
    - a grey or black non-reflecting surface for white substances.
  6. Take a closer well focused picture with a digital photographic machine with more or less 45° in elevation, dimension 1600x1200 dpi and with a fine resolution. Please, do not use flash.
  7. Finally send the picture in the original non-elaborated format to pierandrea.malfi@#deleteme#liceofoscarini.it writing the exact chemical formula of the substance (with also the eventually number of water molecules in case of an hydrate salt). Its R and S phrases' numbers are welcome. If you send in the same time pictures of different substances, please name them with the formula of the compound shown in each photo. This will avoid mistakes.

I'd like to thank all of those who decide to help me to increase the number of substances shown in the "Chemical Gallery".