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Dating3 October 1961
The electroscope is in general a device capable of detecting the state of charge of a body. If equipped with a graduated scale, it is called electrometer, ie an electroscope also able to provide a measure of the charges. There are various types of electroscopes: this, with gold leaf, is an invention of the English physicist Abraham Bennet (1750-1799) in 1786.
Web page Electroscopes
Inv. 2016498Electroscopes          Provisional numbering!
Inv. 18701036Due elettroscopi a foglie d'oro con tappo isolante in plexiglas e bacchetta metallica con manico isolante
WindowNon esposto
Diameter11.0 cm (4.3 in)
Height28.0 cm (11 in)
D'Ettingshausen, Elementi di Fisica, Carlo Turati Tipografo Editore, Milano, 1854, pag. 456, fig. 102
Privat Deschanel A., Trattato elementare di fisica, Fratelli Dumolard, Milano, 1890, pag. 470, fig. 394
Resti E., Catalogo generale di apparecchi per l'insegnamento della fisica, Ditta Emilio Resti di Franco Brambilla, Pubblicazi, Milano, 1930, pag. 66, fig. 328
The additional indications which integrate the items of the conservation's state have the following meaning: (?) = maybe complete; M = maintenance; P = partial; R = restored; D = used for teaching; NC = not checked; X = impossible to verify.