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Biconvex lens on brass base
Dating1839 - 1840
Web page Biconvex lens on brass base
Inv. 2016716Biconvex lens on brass base          Provisional numbering!
Inv. 1925a115Lente biconvessa su piede d'ottone
Inv. 1870170Lente biconvessa su piede d'ottone
Inv. 1838527Una lente convesso convessa montata in ottone
Intact R
Large29.0 cm (11.4 in)
Width17.0 cm (6.7 in)
Height46.0 cm (18.1 in)
Materials brass, glass, lacquer
Bouchardat A., Physique élémentaire avec ses principales applications, Germer Baillière, Paris, 1851, pag. 405, fig. 154
Daguin P. A., Cours de physique élémentaire avec les applications a la météorologie , E. Privat, Toulouse, 1863, pag. 674, fig. 715
Desbeaux E., Fisica Moderna, Casa Editrice Sonzogno, Milano, 1892, pag. 159, fig. 134
Drion Ch. - Fernet E., Traité de physique élémentaire, G. Masson éditeur, Paris, 1877, pag. 664, fig. 621
1) Restauro presso il Laboratorio del restauro dello strumento di interesse storico - Lotto I. Università degli Studi di Urbino, dal 21/09/2009 al 30/09/2010, Urbino;
The additional indications which integrate the items of the conservation's state have the following meaning: (?) = maybe complete; M = maintenance; P = partial; R = restored; D = used for teaching; NC = not checked; X = impossible to verify.