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Siemens resistance unit
Dating1868 - 1874
Maker Tecnomasio
The tool, signed "Tecnomasio Milan", is a standard resistance which has written on the brass terminals the conditions of use (23 C°), or in other words the working conditions under which this device has a conductance of exactly 1 siemens (S), the standard unit of the International System that measures the capability of a body to conduct the electric current. The standard unit siemens derives from the name of the German inventor Werner von Siemens ( 1816-1892), who contributed to the commercial use of the electric energy.
Web page Siemens resistance unit
Inv. 2016532Siemens resistance unit          Provisional numbering!
Inv. 1925a216Unità di resistenza di Siemens
Inv. 1870328Unità di resistenza Siemens
Working NC
Large6.0 cm (2.4 in)
Width8.0 cm (3.1 in)
Height17.0 cm (6.7 in)
Battelli A. - Cardani C., Trattato di fisica sperimentale ad uso delle università, Francesco Vallardi, Milano, 1925, Vol. 4, pag. 566, fig. 401
The additional indications which integrate the items of the conservation's state have the following meaning: (?) = maybe complete; M = maintenance; P = partial; R = restored; D = used for teaching; NC = not checked; X = impossible to verify.