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Rheostat Nº 940
Dating30 May 1941
MakerAngelo Cattaneo
The rheostat is a variable resistance which has numerous applications in electrodynamic (from the simple elongation of an electric circuit till in carrying out special measures). As it apparents from a tag, this model of wire potentiometer is characterized by a maximum current intensity of 0.3A and a maximum resistance of 1200Ω.
Web page Rheostat Nº 940
Inv. 2016575Rheostat Nº 940          Provisional numbering!
Inv. 1870940Reostato a cursore 0,3 amperes 1200 Homs [sic]
WindowNon esposto
Working NC
Large34.0 cm (13.4 in)
Width9.0 cm (3.5 in)
Height10.0 cm (3.9 in)
Galileo Officine, Apparecchi per l'insegnamento della fisica, Officine Galileo, Firenze, 1929, pag. 195, fig. 5470
Resti E., Catalogo generale di apparecchi per l'insegnamento della fisica, Ditta Emilio Resti di Franco Brambilla, Pubblicazi, Milano, 1930, pag. 88, fig. 434
Tarquini A., Apparecchi di fisica, Antonio Tarquini, Roma, 1928, pag. 126, fig. 30687
The additional indications which integrate the items of the conservation's state have the following meaning: (?) = maybe complete; M = maintenance; P = partial; R = restored; D = used for teaching; NC = not checked; X = impossible to verify.