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Praetorian table in brass
DatingBefore 1818 (1677)
MakerGiacomo Lusverg (1636-1689)
To easly have a scale map of a certain zone for military purpose or just to measure a field in the past was used the Pretorian table (the support has gone lost). In fact with such an instrument the operation was fast and with a relative great precision. The tool is incomplete, because a brass bar fixed in the hole near one of the vertexes has gone lost. This piece (the graphometer) was used at the same time to draw lines on a paper sheet placed on the table and to work as goniometer.
Web page Praetorian table in brass
Inv. 2016004Praetorian table in brass          Provisional numbering!
Inv. 1925a3Tavoletta di ottone divisa in pollici con diottra
Inv. 18703Tavoletta di ottone divisa in pollici con diottra
Inv. 18384Tavoletta di ottone con diottra inserviente al doppio uffizio di Tavoletta Pretoriana e di Goniometro
Inv. 18185Tavoletta di ottone con diottra inserviente al doppio uffizio di Tavoletta Pretoriana e di Goniometro
Not working
Intact R
Large32.0 cm (12.6 in)
Width3.0 cm (1.2 in)
Height26.0 cm (10.2 in)
Materials brass, lacquer
Alberti G. A., Istuzioni pratiche per l'ingegnero civile, Pietro Savioni Stampatore e Libraio, Venezia, 1782, pag. 38, Tav. IX, fig. 80
1) Genius I. The mission: discover - research - invent. World Cultural Heritage - Völklingen Hütte, dal 13/05/2007 al 30/03/2008, Völklingen/Saarbrüken (D);
1) Restauro presso il Laboratorio del restauro dello strumento di interesse storico - Lotto I. Università degli Studi di Urbino, dal 21/09/2009 al 30/09/2010, Urbino;
The additional indications which integrate the items of the conservation's state have the following meaning: (?) = maybe complete; M = maintenance; P = partial; R = restored; D = used for teaching; NC = not checked; X = impossible to verify.