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Antonio Maria Traversi
Physics Museum
Bandiera ingleseBandiera italianaPierandrea Malfi

"[...]1993: begins the adventure of a series of masterpieces [...]. Engine of the rescue and recovery of the ancient instruments was Andreina Naletto. [...] Her first, limited, and modest idea of an exhibition for the High School' students and colleagues [...] was carried out by realizing an intruments expo the following year. [...]. We also had the helping hand of the Physics Lab technician, Mr. Rombolotto [...]. And then an Engineering student at Padua University, who only the year before had left the Foscarini High School, with precision and consistency dedicated a lot of his time by taking part to the cleaning work and he too was impressed by the beauty of these objects. He was Pierandrea Malfi ... "
D. Magnanini, "Rediscovery of a heritage," in P. Malfi (ed.), "The Antonio Maria Traversi Physics Museum", Grafiche Veneziane, Venezia, 2007, pagg. 31-32.

Yes, it was just in this way, in the Daniela Magnanini's words for a quick hint, that the adventure inside the ancient physics instruments of my former high school began for me! A request for cooperation to do a humble and hard work: the cleaning of a selection of these strange objects which "crowded" the strictly off-limits area to all students of the physics laboratory (the one before 2005).

Those objects were undoubtedly wrapped, as well as dust and tenacious oxides, in an aura of mystery and fascination that struck me. More than once I asked, "but according to you, professor, this thing can work and how?". At the time, I was following the Physics I classes at University. One afternoon I took the opportunity to operate the gyroscope that I had in my hands (Foucault's gyroscope); I remember that we were delighted to see it spinning and turning and several times we sent down along the guide the ball of the Parabolic motion device by Miotti. But regarding other instruments many doubts remained to us...

Conclusasi la mostra, c'era ancora parecchio lavoro da fare: la curiosità e la voglia del "capire come funziona", che spesso è motivo di scherno per gli ingegneri, fecero il resto... trasformando la cosa in un vera e propria attività di studio, di documentazione e di ricerca che continua tutt'oggi. Di questa avventura desidero ricordare queste tappe importanti che marcarono il lento recupero di una preziosa collezione e anche la mia "carriera" al Foscarini.